Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Feelings for Sanford Explained in Parks and Rec GIFs

Hello all! I've been off the grid for a bit with a stolen cell phone and a wilted spirit, but I'm back! You might know that in the moments I'm not working or harassing my business owner friends about Sanford happenings, I am typically watching Netflix, and lately I've returned to an old favorite, Parks and Recreation. This quirky little ditty about city government and the problems that arise while fighting the good fight reminds me all too often of my experiences in Sanford.
Somehow it's...oddly comforting.
You guys know I have a bit of a problem.
And I generally can't help but share it with the internet.
There are plenty of times I really want to commit to a new cause in town but I'm not really sure how to make time in my schedule.

And then there are causes in town that I think way too hard about all the time but for which I haven't come up with a solution just yet.
Meanwhile, I get a little nuts when people who live locally tell me that they have never heard of one of my favorite hang outs.
Or when people talk about how much they would rather eat at Red Robin or Olive Garden than a downtown restaurant.

Then I take it way too personally and tell those people that they are slaves to corporate America.
Of course, sometimes I get a little miffed when people insult my bounding love for Sanford.
And I always think alcohol will help me win that fight.
Some people are unrelenting in their hate for Sanford.
It's okay, though. I know how to handle them,
But the next morning there are usually some fun notifications waiting me.
But later in the day I get over it and it usually comes down to...
But it's cool, because nothing can stop me from getting excited about Sanford's future. Every new business opening, every new resident who takes the leap and buys a house...
I generally feel that while the issues may loom large and scary for the time being, with the right attitude and dose of optimism, we can eventually tackle anything.
Of course, if anyone has a problem with that, they can suck it.


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