Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About Last Night: A Letter to My Fellow Sanfordites

Dear Fellow Sanfordites,

After bingeing on so much hope and naïveté last night, I suffered from a serious hangover. Obviously, I am disappointed with the proceedings and results of night's commission meeting. I spent the remainder of the night somewhere between laughter and tears and woke up completely emotionally exhausted. How could our leaders be so out of touch? While I fully acknowledge that the issue is complex, ultimately, the developer's proposal does not meet the city's comprehensive plan. The fact that certain commissioners were unable to rise above their outside pressures was truly disheartening, especially as a young person just beginning to become involved in city politics.

However, the reaction to this meeting has truly been my hair of the dog. Rather than being steeped in bitterness about the outcome, the residents of Sanford have truly harnessed their energy and frustration into productive discussion about our future as a town. I am so happy to see that more than 24 hours after the meeting began that social media is still abuzz.

I really just have one thing to say about all of this. Let's keep going. Let's channel all of this steam into being the change we want to see in Sanford. I meant it when I said that we, the citizens, are already forging Sanford's future, and whether the leaders will lead that change or be ousted is up to them.

See you at the polls in November. Thank you all for trying harder.

Much Sanford-Love,

P.S. Stay informed via Facebook here.

Have a good laugh about this whole thing here.

Watch me speak at the meeting here.

And join us at the Imperial on Friday for a toast to our efforts! You deserve it!

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