Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Marina Island Explained in Mad Men GIFs

I know a lot of you didn't make it to the commission meeting on Monday night. I'm not judging or anything.
And we all know how the decision went at this point.
But to really give you the full experience, I'm going to give you a quick account of the meeting using visual aids.
The evening started off with some great music.
But things quickly turned ugly.
To be fair, I'm sure when Cerasoli listens to us talk about our pride in our city and how we think citizens should have a voice in the direction our government takes this town, he just hears this.
Hoover, uh, I mean Coover, did an awful lot of this for an hour.
But I think we all know what's really going on here.
Every time I saw Cerasoli and his cronies in the hall, I wanted to be like
I realize it's the city attorney's job to tell us not to make emotional appeals but honestly?
When I finally got up to speak, I was hoping it would be pretty cute.
But I was so pissed, I'm sure it was more like this.

I've gathered that Randy is clueless about what's happening 87% of the time, and has to rely on a script.
Mccarty seems to have landed on the correct side of this issue by accident, but by god, he'll say anything to stay in our good graces.
I think we all know how we feel when Velma gets to talking in circles.
Every time Triplett spoke...

Eventually Patty was like...
After five hours of discussion, with no chair, no dinner, and no alcohol, I was in a bad place too.
And when she finally asked, "Are we ready to make a motion????"
And I think we were all impressed with Velma's hard hitting questions. Until she went along with the motion to approve.
Standing in city hall after the approval was pretty disheartening.

And the next morning, I know I sure as hell felt like this.
And I know for some of you, it was more like this.
And I'm sure some of you want to distance yourself from Sanford.
But we can't give up, guys. This is an opportunity for us to be innovative.
And remember, if it all gets to be too much, you know what to do.

Cheers, everyone!

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