He got pretty close during Tuesday's election, winning the most votes but not quite a majority. So, to gear you up for the December 4th Run-Off election, I present you with 6 things you should know about Art Woodruff.
1) He likes the great outdoors-- scout's honor.
As the father of a boy scout, Mr. Woodruff has the enviable position of monitoring 50 teenagers during scout outings, including campouts, freely admitting that the best part is creating and devouring giant feasts with the good friends he's made over the years. (A man after my own heart.)2) He enjoys things a bit nutty.
Art confessed to me that he is a crunchy peanut butter sort of man, like myself. One of his favorite ways to enjoy it is atop chocolate ice cream with hot fudge--yum! (And because I know it's on your mind, his favorite sandwich is a cheesesteak from Skibo's.)3) He's a true Sanford-Centric.
Mr. Woodruff has lived all over Sanford. When he was "young and single", he lived in a garage apartment in Sanford Heights, much like myself. Of course, he reminds me that was before Sanford "really took off"...how hipster!4) Facts are his weapon of choice.
...but seriously, he's a physics teacher. In fact, Mr. Woodruff has taught almost every type of science over his career, and even dabbled in yearbook.5) He hates midges as much as you do.
While he does feel that they've gotten considerably less horrible over the past few years, he says there is "no end in sight" for these unique (read: pesky) Sanford creatures.6) He is as much a student as a teacher.
Art has gleaned many lessons from his years teaching high school, including to "pick your battles...and watch out for things that cause bleeding", certainly something applicable to most things in life (especially politics). When I asked which of his opponents he would save if they were both drowning, he said he had to fall back on some good old scout training: "Whichever is closer."If you'd like to get to know Mr. Woodruff better, reach out! The best thing I learned about him during the interview was that he is not afraid of discussion or questions. I really enjoyed my afternoon with Mr. Woodruff, and wish him the best of luck in the run-off!
(Thank you for the photos, Mr. Woodruff!)
And I have certainly enjoyed getting to know Sumalee. - Art