Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy Thoughts: Moving on Up!

I am so glad that fall has at last arrived, even if we still have the odd hot day. November brings the crunch of fallen acorns to Sanford, and the sweet, sweet promise of Thanksgiving, my very favorite holiday! So what have I been doing with all of these yummy feelings, you ask?

First, I have really been enjoying my outings with the Sanford Supper Club! I love the opportunity to go out with a big group each week, both in terms of material for field trips and getting to know new friends. Camaraderie is a huge part of the Sanford-Centric life, and here it is in action! If anyone would like to join us, we meet at Celery City every Tuesday at 6, then roll out to a new place for dinner each week. Come on down!
I'm ecstatic that Wop's Hop's is finally open! We sat out in the beer garden in the late afternoon on Halloween and it was killer. Having a family owned microbrewery in Sanford will really help bolster our image as a young, progressive town with lots to do, and I am thrilled to see where Greg and company will take it.
As many of you may have heard, Jeremy and I have moved to a new place! We are sharing a house with our friend Kevin and so far it's great. We have a ton of space, lots of shade trees, a yard, and no more stairs to climb! I'm sure we will be having a housewarming bash soon. In the meantime, meet my newest friend, Mr. Tiki. I found him in a cabinet and we have spent many a cold night getting to know each other over hot toddies.

At first, I was sad to be leaving my Rabbitfoot family, since I couldn't ask for better neighbors, but then I found out that Rob and Kendra are (omg I can't believe it) moving down the street!! They were even kind enough to loan their Uhaul to us for moving furniture one night. I can really use the help, since as Rob pointed out, I am literally the worst at moving! Their new house is super cute, and I am so glad they will get to have so much more time with their boys and get to be even more involved with that Sanford life! Welcome to Uptown, sweet thangs!
I am SO exhausted from moving and still have a lot of work ahead of me to get us settled in, but I am thrilled to be in our new home and am looking forward to the many, many good things ahead for us! Stay tuned for more of those good Sanford vibes!

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