Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Thoughts: Some Favorite Familiar Faces

I love seeing friends from town in different locations than I usually do. I feel like this has been happening more and more as time goes on. Friday morning, Carly and her boyfriend stopped in at the Willow Tree for some ginger peach tea, a recent discovery. I have always loved Willow Tree's tea; something about how aromatic and bright the flavor is really appeals to me.

 Side note, I really like seeing my brother everywhere in town! I went into the restaurant the other day and he was all fancy in his serving duds, and then today, he came into Rabbitfoot for a Willow Tree coffee run. It's great to see him out and about, even though he doesn't live downtown.
If you haven't met Mike and Nikole's puppy, Magnolia, you are missing out! She is quite the fireball. I watched her learning to play with another dog the other night in front of the Imperial. I'm an awful pet owner, so it's fun to play with other people's pets on occasion.

I got to see a lot of Rob and Kendra together this week, and sometimes they even had the kiddos with them. Have to hand it to these two, raising two little ones while driving all over, working real jobs, and growing Rabbitfoot in the chaos that the Sanford business can be...what an accomplishment! I'm so glad they're part of our Sanford business community.

Hope your week was as full of positive moments as mine was!

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